Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My SL Feed - November 2015

From First, to Last, all of my SL Feed posts from November 2015. Some of them have fun links :-)

"Where does your darkness come from?" Random thoughts, here:
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"There are places you can only reach when you dare to fly" (WIP for Enchantment; Neverland.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Even fairies grow up." (WIP for Enchantment; Neverland.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

[Link to the original post in my feed]

WIP - And now, something completely different for Lazy Sunday: the first set of the Boudoir series (Poses include a high heel and a flat feet version.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Creating a poses set, the scripter way
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Black Tulip for Lazy Sunday and Enchantment:

[Link to the original post in my feed]

In this special day, I want to share a little tale:
[Link to the original post in my feed]

All the things this weekend: Black Friday sale, new pose sets and new Blender books.

[Link to the original post in my feed]

Sunday, November 1, 2015

My SL Feed - October 2015

From First, to Last, all of my SL Feed posts from October 2015. Some of them have fun links :-)

"Ever seen a Black Widow?" (WIP for The Liaison Collaborative. Theme, Fright Night.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"I prayed to all the Gods, but they never gave me my husband back. And you ask me, little girl, why I have doubts?" (WIP for The Liaison Collaborative. Theme, Fright Night.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

I should be writing some sort of serious thing here, but I couldn't help thinking all sorts of funny things. (WIP for The Liaison Collaborative. Theme, Fright Night.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Can I borrow L$100 for rent? I pay tomorrow, I promise!" (Told you - WIP for The Liaison Collaborative. Theme, Fright Night.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Yes. I know what I meant when I said that I would love you forever." (WIP for The Liaison Collaborative - Theme: Fright Night.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Why are you running from me, mom?" (WIP for The Liaison Collaborative - Theme: Fright Night.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"This makes enough spam for a day. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night." (WIP for The Liaison Collaborative - Theme: Fright Night.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

The Black Widow.
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Freedom means so many things. To me, it means I've had the chance of walking in the woods. (Thanks, Kylie!)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"The Witch" (WIP for Wayward Halloween. Blog post with story coming soon.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"The Witch" (WIP for Wayward Halloween. Blog post with story coming soon.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"The Witch"
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Love is when at Collabor88, before you reach to that booth, he says "You want to be Griselda, yes?"
[Link to the original post in my feed]

The Femdom Hunt begins tomorrow! (WIP for the hunt gift.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

The Femdom Hunt VI and Wayward Halloween have started today.

[Link to the original post in my feed]

This is some Internet Wisdom about why you shouldn't be afraid that ghosts may kill you:
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Look mom! I did a necklace!" (WIP for Lazy Sunday, tomorrow.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"A cat lost in a necklace". Because even pixel necklaces have stories to tell.
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"I have discovered a truly remarkable mesh item which this margin is too small to contain its LI." (Fermat, in SL.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Interesting changes coming soon:
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Why so scared, girl? Today is your big day..."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Who am I?
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Thursday, October 1, 2015

My SL Feed - September 2015

From First, to Last, all of my SL Feed posts from September 2015. Some of them have fun links :-)

Black Tulip for Oneword
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Emerald%20City/109/142/3502
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Merchant Resource: Store Policies, Customer Service, and more.
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"At times, the most bitter tears are made of the petals of your work."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Useless fact of the day:
SL wasn't the first in bringing hair blown by the wind as an actually static hair. There's at least a precedent in the "Top Secret" movie.

[Link to the original post in my feed]

"I'm running out of time" (WIP for Genre, coming tomorrow.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"We all must find balance in our lives, and nobody else can do that job in our place." (WIP for Lazy Sunday, tomorrow.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"No matter how difficult, keep always one foot where it can hold you." (WIP for Lazy Sunday, tomorrow.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Black Tulip for Lazy Sunday: Balance poses and decorative poles.
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Black%20Tulip/126/128/21
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Sunday musings: Balance.
[Link to the original post in my feed]

This Twitter account is a Gold Mine:

"She stared in shock at the contract he'd given her. It contained six key rules she had to obey. And 112 pages of terms and conditions."

"He was really into science and mathematics. Or S&M for short."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

PSA: http://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/64412100.jpg

[Link to the original post in my feed]

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My SL Feed - August 2015

From First, to Last, all of my SL Feed posts from August 2015. Some of them have fun links :-)

Oh no! Someone fell down the ship!
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Ready, set, go!
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"I hope he's okay..." (WIP for Enchantment. Blog post with credits and story coming soon.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Watcher of the Sea
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Home is where puppies live
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Just one among many equal, unidentifiable souls."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"I am the voice in your nightmares."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Black Tulip: New pose sets for Enchantment
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/194/110/3191
[Link to the original post in my feed]

A colorful home for a dark soul
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Well, okay. There *might* also be a cemetery at home.
[Link to the original post in my feed]

My first thoughts about Merchant Resource
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Often, monsters are those who we allow to raise as gods. Too many gods turn their back to, and leave alone, those who helped them reaching the sky."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Saturday, August 1, 2015

My SL Feed - July 2015

From First, to Last, all of my SL Feed posts from July 2015. Some of them have fun links :-)

Angel, Fallen Angel, and Fallen Angels pose sets, out now for Oneword:
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"It may help to understand human affairs to be clear that most of the great triumphs and tragedies of history are caused, not by people being fundamentally good or fundamentally bad, but by people being fundamentally people." WIP for ATP

(Good Omens)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

[Link to the original post in my feed]

I may have had something to do with this (Video is NSFW):
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Holidays! :-)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Holidays and plans:
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"How do I begin?" (Blog post for Merchant Resource coming soon.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"How do I begin?" (Blog post for Merchant Resource coming soon.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"How do I begin?" (Blog post for Merchant Resource coming soon.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"How do I begin?" (Blog post for Merchant Resource coming soon.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Merchant Resource: How do I begin? Location, information we want to have always handy, and preparing our inventory
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Merchant Resource: Preparing your products for sale. Permissions... and more.
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Serious thinking about the relevant matters of life, such as "how long have you been alone in inventory, little helper?"
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Somebody is getting ready for her first time at Enchantment :-) (Yay!)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My SL Feed - June 2015

From First, to Last, all of my SL Feed posts from June 2015. Some of them have fun links :-)

Black Tulip for The Multicultural Menu:
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Asylum/163/159/30
[Link to the original post in my feed]

And (of course) my musings about:
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Asylum/163/159/3001
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"When my mind is tired, the sea brings me peace."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Do not trust those that show and hide everything at the same time."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

New items from the full permissions section, including a set of refreshing drinks, are now available :-)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

[Link to the original post in my feed]

Working hard! And a little tip if rez systems do not remove all the hover text:
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Musings - That happen to be published on Topless Tuesday, but have nothing to do with Topless Tuesday.
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Sorry! Maybe that script went a little out of hand, Sir. Yes, Sir, I know, it crashed the sim, but we could restore it! Please don't revoke my scripter license? Please?
[Link to the original post in my feed]

It matters not how many hair cat-equivalents you've brushed off your cat: If you continue brushing, more hair will come off (A hair cat-equivalent is the volume that a whole cat occupies, made of cat hair.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"I have a message for you." (Early WIP for Oneword, July. Word: Angel.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Please... Five more minutes..." (Couldn't think of a serious caption, sorry! :o) )
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"There are no second chances. The contrary is the lie they all tell you to feel good about themselves."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Sunday musings: A little gripe about ill recommendations. In this case, about raising the value of the LOD debug setting. Have a great Sunday!

[Link to the original post in my feed]

Summer Sale now at the Poses and Props store! Details, here:
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Fallen Angels
[Link to the original post in my feed]