Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My SL Feed - August 2015

From First, to Last, all of my SL Feed posts from August 2015. Some of them have fun links :-)

Oh no! Someone fell down the ship!
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Ready, set, go!
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"I hope he's okay..." (WIP for Enchantment. Blog post with credits and story coming soon.)
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Watcher of the Sea
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Home is where puppies live
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Just one among many equal, unidentifiable souls."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"I am the voice in your nightmares."
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Black Tulip: New pose sets for Enchantment
Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nymphai/194/110/3191
[Link to the original post in my feed]

A colorful home for a dark soul
[Link to the original post in my feed]

Well, okay. There *might* also be a cemetery at home.
[Link to the original post in my feed]

My first thoughts about Merchant Resource
[Link to the original post in my feed]

"Often, monsters are those who we allow to raise as gods. Too many gods turn their back to, and leave alone, those who helped them reaching the sky."
[Link to the original post in my feed]